As I take my first steps into the world of leadership, I realised that I've always been rather naive. A new world opened to me, but surprisingly this world has always been around the corner. I've never taken a peek around this corner, so I've always been oblivious to this vast world out there.
Recently, I started realised that every man needs a little time for himself, so that he's able to look back what he has achieved. At the same time, he can take his chances to look forward as well. Basically we all need a moment when we can be a hermit, and retreat ourselves into our secret hideout.
Figurative speaking of course, in real it usually simply means doing things we really enjoy. Some people like to walk in the woods, while I personally dives into books, while enjoying my coffee. I might enjoy walk in the woods, but the problem is that there are no woods around me. At least not at cycle distance. Next to reading, I love to jog around the lake. I have to admit that I'm somewhat lazy lately, and I know that I'm gradually gaining weight again (but that's another story :P). Bottom line is, we all have our own way to find ourselves again. A little time to think about the past and what's ahead.
This is important as a leader too. We can't stay level headed forever, so we need to retreat ourselves in order to look forward from time to time. It's the same in life. If we don't look forward from time to time, we will be led by life, while we are the one suppose to be leading the life. As a manager you will become a victim of the daily routines, and all the "priorities" of daily/weekly activities. Instead of you being the one to manage things, you will be managed by all these necessities. Therefore we need our time to look advance, and beyond. Maybe way beyond. That way we can set our course in career, life, and business. That way we will be able to take control of life again, instead of being led by it. Once our path is set, we will get back to the right track again...
thanks for ur wishes bro!
btw, exam was good last week but i didn't do well on my practicals today. sigh
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