I actually have quite some things to do, but yet I'm slacking terribly. While i'm enjoying my chorizo, i'm actually daydreaming, about houses.. and retirement lol (am i getting that old?).
This is triggered by an event from a few days ago. A few days ago I encountered a beautiful house. Not too big, but certainly beautiful enough to call it pittoresque. I use this word, because it reminds me of those small houses in the farmlands of southern France. The bricks were painted white, while the windows and other woordwork were painted marine blue. You could open up the upper half of the doors only, so u could use them as windows as well.
The garden was perfectly decorated with nicely flowers from different colors here and there. And it mixed harmonious with the white bricks and marine blue windows. Especially the greenery. The wooden couch was painted marine blue as well. It all gave u a very homely, cozy, and family like impression. At the first sight, you could tell the owner treated the house with lots of love.
The interior was simple.. lots of whites.. it felt almost country like, but also a tad modern and but still simplistic. But it really give you this cosy feeling again. Most interesting part, and probably the thing that really catched my eye, were the bordeaux red text on the milk white wall. You could find the following text on the wall:
Plate du jour
soupe l'amour
amiété à lá carte
coupe le bonheur
du vin rouge
There were some elderly ladies enjoying from the beautiful weather outside, and a very neat and nice looking lady from around 50 happen to be the owner of this beautiful house. I asked her about the words on the wall. And also had to check what it meant, since my French isn't that good. She was so nice, she even offered me coffee. Her sister who visited her was also a very nice lady, and the other old lady happened to be her mother, who stayed over. She was already 90ish, but still had the sharpness of a young lady.
The owner explained to me that she did most of the things herself. And I have to be honest, you could see it that it was done with love. She was also very proud of her house, and thanked me for the interests. The text on the wall was written by her daughter in law. She really had a beautiful handwriting, since the words really decorated the wall. But it's those words that made me remember this house and this encounter untill today.
Then again, it doesn't matter where the house is, or what the house looks like. It's what it stands for. I can imagine sharing this house with the most charming and lovable lady. And I would build the house myself if I could. And even if I couldn't I would like to do most of it myself. Because the house has a meaning. And I feel priveleged to be able to paint it, or work on it. Every streak of paint, should be done with my own hands, because everyone of them should show my love for the house, or rather where it stands for ^_^.
IT's very relaxing. idyllic...no i've dreamed of such places too.
so I guess i'm slacking terribly too. after the big exam, i just can't get my mind to begin another set of hospital based examinations. good Lord.
You deserved your needed rest :).
BTW, have you ever been to such place as well?
awwwwww the last paragraph touched me deeply. sentimental man r rare eh?
Nat, u are always able to cheer me up :)
I would appreciate more visual materials, to make your blog more attractive, but your writing style really compensates it. But there is always place for improvement
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