Sunday, 30 October 2011

Where no man has gone before

We can live our lives as we are on a voayage with no set goals, just drifting over the majestic sea. Not knowing where you are headed, not knowing what tomorrow has in store for you. Everyday will be a gift, and every day is a new adventure.

At first it might sound mighty cool. It seems like the kind of life you would like to go for. Carefree, full of surprises. But is this really what we really want for ourselves?

Is there no other option? A top coach, Ron White once said that we should our live with a true mission. A mission like one in Star Trek Enterprise: "To boldly go where no man has gone before." It's at least as adventurous as not going where you are going. Probably even more interesting, as you have a certain goal. A goal that might be bigger than you are. What if you happen to do achieve it? Wouldn't you love the results?

I'm not sure if anyone would like to chose the latter. There are probably people out there who would like the carefree life. As for me, I've played with this dillemma for far too long, and feel like I should awaken. I should get my goals clear. Put them on paper, find pictures of it... trying to visualize them and memorize them, so I can work towards them every single day. Everyday should be one to be remembered, and every day should be worthwhile. As Steve Jobs said: death is  the very best invention of life. Our times are limited. So have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

With these wise words I'll end this post, and continue to reflect.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

The path ahead

Ok! Change is needed!
Recently I realised that a few things changed in life. It kind of made me understand things that I should have understood ages ago. Of course it's never too late to do so, but still ;).

One of those simple things is that in communication what's important is not what you say. It's all about what the reciever percieve. Therefore results are not important as long as they are not percieved the way you want them to be. In order to communicate effectively I need to work on the way people percieve what I converse.

Another thing is that changes don't take plac by making my to change. Gradual change will happen if I start to realise what doesn't work.

I can go on and on what I realised recently. Suprisingly these are relatively simple stuff, but it still took me over 30 yrs to wake up and see the truth.

This all made me change my blog. From now on, I'll just randomly type. Write down all the things that comes into my mind, and eventually I hope I can look back and see how gradually my visions have changed. And how the world around me changes.

Ok, that's it for tonight. I hereby promise myself to reflect more and blog more. So, to who ever is still reading my blog. See you soon!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Finding oneself

Hey all,

Since I haven't blogged for so long, I figured that no one might read this. Yet I feel like writing. I decided I have to do it more. I have to stand still and look back, and look forward. Best way for me is to read, and to write.

A week or so ago, I had a good talk with some of my collegues about the company we work for. It was about what we stand for. We were talking about what we stand for, and what experience it gives people if they hear our name.
This made me think what people experience if they hear my own name. Where does 'Andrew' stand for? If I think further, I realise I might need to brand myself, and even 'market' myself.

While thinking about all this, I start to realise that I'm not 100% sure who I am. It's good to make sure what I want in life, and what I expect people to see in me. And I need to promote the right qualities, and start to believe in them. Guess I need to do some homework this weekend. Anyone ever been through the same?

Time to reinvent myself.