It has been aged since I touched this page. I haven't blogged for so long. Somehow I feel like blogging tonight. It's just that I had some weird argument with someone important to me, and now we are not really on speaking terms. It's ironic that it takes such a moment to help me blog again.
I guess blogging helps me set my mind straight. There are a few choices I have to make in life. Either pursue my dream for a carreer i've always been thirsty about. Not that I pursue particulair carreer, but somehow I always have this urge to be more, and do more than I do today.
I also realise that I need to be a stronger, and bigger person. Well, not in physical form, but mentally. Not that I worry about the way I am, but in order to grow as a person, I need to become mentally stronger. Also I need to present myself better. I realise that I do care about connecting with people, but with some people I just don't seem to connect. Of course, there are always those I can't relate too, but even so, I want to challenge that! Needless to say, I also want to know why it doesn't work out.
And there's also love. I rather not blog about it, but it does give me head aches hahaha. Then again such is life.
Somehow I love to listen Norah Jones while I ramble. Her voice is so soft, while her music so simple, and clean. There's certain beauty in her music.
Most people are rather surprised that a guy like me, knows to admire Norah Jones. It's not that unique actually. I'm pretty sure.. at this moment there are tons of guys listening to 'come away with me' while typing their blog. Hah, ok maybe less than that, but it's just hard to imagine that there are no guys out there that like Norah Jones.
Enough ramblings for tonight. Another big day is waiting for me tomorrow. Ok, nothing special is going to happen, but hey.. who knows.. maybe some whale might swim into my office tomorrow., huh?
BTW.. I've been a real jerk today. If u read this.. wish me luck. I don't want to be one anymore... and I want to make it up!
Thanks in advance!
Take care folks!