Friday, 19 September 2008

I'm not boring!

You Are 80% Interesting

Believe it or not, you are a very fascinating person.

You're probably too busy being interesting to realize exactly how interesting you are.

You have a rich, full life. You are curious about the world, and you are very open to new experiences.

You have a lot to talk about, and people find you to be an amazing conversationalist.

And most importantly, you are truly interested in other people. How could anyone find that boring?

You truly listen and learn from others. You're not self absorbed or shallow.

Monday, 1 September 2008

A new journey in life

I've taken a new course in life. From now on, I'll try to rethink things, and try to see the meaning behind every detail, while I normally would miss. By taking things for granted we forget little details in things that actually makes our life worthwhile.

Today, I've spoken to a friend of mine, which I haven't spoken for a long time. Because of her problems, and me inspiring and motivating her, I realise that I actually have to inspire myself too.

My first step in my journey is just "being myself". I have to define myself, and try to remember myself from time to time who I actually am. I need to think of methods to strengthen my personality. I've promise myself to record all this stuff, so I decided to put it all on this blog. I doubt anyone is interested enough to read it, except for those I don't mind to show. Of course, I can never be totally transparent while I put this on-line, but on the other hand. If I truly believe in the words I put here, then there's nothing to hide as well :).

Ah well, my new journey awaits me