We probably all know how Asians like to educate their childeren. If they are not willing to listen, they have to feel. A lot of Asian families have a duster at home, and yet it's never used for cleaning. It's rather a symbol of order. When a mother holds the duster in the air, it's like she's swinging with her scepter, ruling over her kids. And suddenly the childeren are silenced, and trembles in fear.

I always wonder what it's like to hold the duster. For a parent it must be the symbol of power and authority. Like holding a magical weapon in the hand. *Muhahahaha~~~* <--- evil smile. Personally I'm not pro-smacking. Not that I have childeren, so it's easy talk for me. But I believe there are tons of way to discipline your childeren, so resort to "voilence" isn't really needed. Next to that, it makes me weak to think that I have to use "physical strength" and source of "authority". To keep order in the house. I would rather use my knowlegde, logic, and experience to reason with my childeren. Most important thing for me is not to make my childeren fear me, but instead have them to understand me. It's less efficient, but probably more effective in the long run. Of course, when they understand, but yet feels to apply disciplining is needed, but voilence should be the last resort. And I believe that younger childeren don't understand my reasoning at all. So, this doesn't count for them... hitting them on the hand or their hineys is probably the only way for the first few years, but never forget to tell them why you hit them though. But I still have to admit that hitting them is more efficient. And the lure to the darkside is always tempting.